4 days of cleaning up the neighbourhood

Another 4 days of cleaning up the neighborhood with the support and assistance from Tree felling ZA Main focus was cutting fire breaks where we have open veld or greenbelt next to houses. This is to ensure should a fire start in those areas the residents and their houses are save. 4 large areas was cut with a 5-10m fire break. We also took some time to skoffel the side of the roads as JRA is simple not attending to this and the grass growing in the road is damaging the road surface.If you looking for a great Tree feller then contact Jonte from Tree felling ZA and support him thr same way he supports the community. He can be reached on 0792843977.Also if you stay in the PRA area join at a minimal fee of R250 per year. All the money is invested back into the community and projects we take on.


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